Tag Archives: interviews

Meet the Indie Fantasy StoryBundle Authors


Whether you already own the Indie Fantasy Bundle and are enjoying the eight novels, or are still deciding to choose your own price for the collection, here’s your opportunity to learn more about the writers and their novels!  There’s talk about epics and alchemy, windships and wishes, honor and secrets, politics and subversion.

Bradley Beaulieu, The Winds of Khalakovo

Sherwood Smith, Lhind the Thief

C.J. Brightley, The King’s Sword

Judith Tarr, Arrows of the Sun

Francesca Forrest, Pen Pal

Scott Marlowe, The Five Elements

Blair MacGregor, Sand of Bone

M.C.A. Hogarth, The Worth of A Shell

Remember the Indie Fantasy Bundle ends February 11, 2015!


Deserts, Military Influences, and What I Drink


As the fabulous Indie Fantasy Bundle enters its final week (That’s right–only seven days left!), the very cool author M.C.A. Hogarth asked me some questions about Sand of Bone.

Knowing your background as a martial arts teacher, I wasn’t at all surprised at the authenticity of the fight and training scenes in your novel. What did surprise me was how well you captured the military culture! Do you have any background in that, or is it something you picked up in some other way?

I’ve never served in the military, but those who serve and have served are a big part of my life. I work with National Guard families through my dojo, my adult students have included many military folks, and my late husband served in the Army.

But the biggest military influence came from my father, who continued in the Naval Reserves for more than twenty years. I grew up watching war movies and documentaries, reading books by Ernest Gunn, and visiting military museums and battlefields. We talked frankly about duty, honor, commitment, and sacrifice.

You can find the complete interview here!

More StoryBundle Author interviews:

Brad Beaulieu

Sherwood Smith

C.J. Brightley

Judith Tarr

Francesca Forrest

Scott Marlowe


SFWA, StoryBundle, and Breath of Stone

Item the First: The membership of SFWA has spoken and, by a vote of 6-to-1 in favor, has changed their governing by-laws to allow writers whose success comes from independent publishing to qualify for membership.  Detailed procedural guidelines are being hammered out, and it looks like authors will be able to begin applying by March of this year.

Last summer, I had my own dilemma over whether I should join.  And after I joined, I had my own disagreements with some of the organization’s choices, and I seriously expect I’ll have a couple more in the months and years ahead.  Yet and still, I am so danged happy–relieved!–to see this vote go through.  The support of the voting membership was loud and clear.  I’ll be sticking around.

Anyone who has questions about it, feel free to ask.  If I don’t know the answer, we’ll see if we can find someone who does. 🙂

Item the Second: The Indie Fantasy Bundle is entering its final week!  At the bottom of this interview with Brad Beaulieu are links to all the other author interviews.  In them you’ll find talk about worldbuilding, alchemy, international relations, history, windships, subversive genre-play, wish fulfillment and more.  It’s a fascinating group of people, and their diverse works reflect that.

If you’ve already picked up the bundle, thank you so much for supporting the authors and the charities!  It’s a wonderful thing, knowing so many new readers are finding and enjoying our books!

Item the Third:  The sequel to Sand of Bone is still moving forward apace.  Breath of Stone is currently slated for an April 2015 release.  If you want to be on the early warning list, sign up now for the Sand and Stone newsletter!

Item the Last: Sand of Bone received a marvelous review from The Book Adventures!  Happy writer!  In the current market, when there are so many more choices–quality choices, mind you–it means a great deal to not only be noticed, but to know the story was enjoyed.
